Film Review : Vaaitha
Vaaitha, directed by Mahivarman CS has now released in theatres after an initial hiccup.
An elderly laundry worker, Appusamy (Mu Ramasamy) has an accident, knocked over by a bike, in his village. A local politico advises him to seek compensation from a father and son duo, who caused the accident. But, seeing the victim belongs to an oppressed community, the duo seek to escape paying him. Instead of solving the matter, they file a bike theft case on him and his son ( Pughal Mahendran) leading to a long drawn out court battle and a list of added woes to the injured Appysamy. Does caste pride and greed win over or is justice served?
The way the film builds the atmosphere around the victim and his simple life, makes the viewer feel for him when he is victimised. The rural setting and the innocence and helplessness of the victim and his family are well portrayed. The way the director builds a dialogue around caste politics and the fall out on the innocent, is laudable.
The presence of Nasser's character though, doesnt really create the impact one hopes for. There is an added romantic track between Powlen Jessica and Pugal Mahendran.
The performance of the main characters adds to the impact of the film.
Overall, Vaaitha, is worth a watch for the subject matter it deals with and the impactful performances which strike a chord.