By Rinku Gupta Directed by debutant Elan, Pyaar Prema Kadhal ( PPK) marks music director Yuvan Shankar Raja’s entry into film production. The film revolves around Sri ( Harish Kalyan), a professional employed in an office,who falls in love with his new colleague Sindhuja (Raiza Wilson). The duo have different outlooks in life about love and marriage but are drawn to each other. Just when Sri tells her he would like to marry her, to his utter amazement he learns that she has no place for love and marriage in her life. Her goal is to open a restaurant in LA. But unable to be apart for long, Sri finally gives in to her suggestion of a live-in relationship, going against the grain of everything he believes in. Does their love culminate in marriage or not forms the rest of the story. Be prepared for an unusual climax. Director Elan must be congratulated on many counts. Here is a director who doesn’t shy away from depicting what he feels without resorting to filmi clichés t