This is a sequel to The Nun (2018) and the 9th instalment of the Conjuring Universe franchise which is the highest grossing horror franchise in history with $2+ billion worldwide. Globally, four of The Conjuring Universe titles have earned more than $300 million worldwide each and all seven have each grossed more than $200 million. The Nun (2018) was the top-earning film in the franchise, with more than $366 million worldwide! SYNOPSIS - The plot of this sequel has been set 4 years later after the end of the first film with the screenplay opening up at France unveiling the murder of a Priest under mysterious circumstances! As Good takes a bow temporarily, Evil shows up its head and yet again Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) is forced to confront Valak (Bonnie Aarons), the demon Nun! This sequel – has doubled up the film’s horror content, showcased new risks and ultimately, it is a fight between the Good and the Evil! CREDITS Cast- Jonas Bloquet, Storm Reid, Anna Popplewell etc Story