Quick Review : 7 The Movie

by Rinku Gupta

7 The Movie is a thriller which starts off with an interesting  concept. An IT professional Karthik ( Havish) goes missing one fine day. Ramya ( Nandita Sweta) reports the matter to a cop ( Rahman). But things get further out of hand when a similar complaint about the same person is filed by Jenny ( Anitha Ambrose)  and another girl ( Tridha Choudhary) as well. An old man from a home for the mentally ill reveals that the missing person is not Karthik but Krishnamurthy, his childhood friend! The cops are puzzled as the mystery deepens leading them to the 80s when a real Krishnamurthy of the same face, existed. A rich Jamindar's daughter Saraswati ( Regina Cassandra) set her sights on him and forced him into marriage. But things did not go as planned and tragedy struck. How is that story related to the missing Karthik? Why are multiple wimen staking claim to him?  How does it all end?
Nizar Shafi, debuting as director has used his actors well, casting each one aptly, making for a visually rich film and good performances by all. But one does wish he had taken more care in casting the main antagonist ( without revealing spoilers) who is the link between past and present. The weakest point in the film, the lady is too soft spoken to project the kind of vehemence and vengefulness needed for the role. A journalist  with a typical bag and kurta and supposedly funny comments looks out  of place. The investigative parts in a thriller of this sort could ganged been better handled for maximum effect.
The choice of  locations and feel of the lives of the IT world are well brought out.  But its never explained why Rahman drinks on duty everywhere he goes or why  the supernatural  touch at the interval block.
The songs are pleasant and well picturised and the tension and mystery are maintained  all through. Nandita Swetha, seen in an urban role makes for change from. her rural ones. Regina bags a role with grey shades and has done full justice to it and shines in the portions she appears in.

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