Quick Review : July Kaatril

by Rinku Gupta

Produced by Kaviya Entertainment and directed by KC Sundaram, July Kaatril is a refreshing take on love in the age of social media and modern work-life pressures.

The story revolves around 3 youngsters ( Anant Nag and his two girlfriends at different stages in his life,played by Anju Kurian and Samyukta Menon). Sathish plays his comic friend and confidant, with the witty one-liners and gyaan on women and their wily ways.
The hero is a an IT guy and finds himself interested in a psychologist ( Anju Kurian) whom he meets at a party. One thing leads to another and soon they even decide to get married with the blessings of their families who feel they are ideal for each other.
However, our hero finds that the spark is missing from his love life. Its when he meets a photographer (Samyukta Menon) that he begins to feel that she is the ideal one for him. He decides to break his engagement. But to his surprise, he finds that despite a mutual  attraction and compatibility, his new love does not want to give up her independance and profession to accomodate him into her life. He finds that she has no time for him, and this begins to irk him till one day, she breaks up with him, fed up with his insecurities and  constant intrusion into her life. Left at the crossroads, he takes off for Goa to get over things.

Just when you think, the movie is going a certain way, the director surprises you with several twists and a refreshing take on love, break ups, moving on, modern day romance with all its pressures and the confused state  many youngsters find themselves in vis-a-vis choosing between love, marriage and a career.  Can all 3 co-exist peacefully ? What is the mindset that needs to change? These are some of the questions answered in the film, in an engaging and entertaining manner, making it a must watch.

The camerawork brings some lovely and refreshing backdrops and the song picturisations are pleasant. The 2 heroines have given superb performances bringing just the right shades into their characters. Sathish as the comic friend gets tiresome to watch after a while, with the usual one- liners he is attributed with about women and wine.  Anant Nag, though well cast as the confused young man, could have shown a little more variations in expression while conveying the myriad emotions he feels, which would have added to the overall appeal of the film.

Watch out for some layered performances, interesting portrayal of women characters and thought -provoking lines especially towards the climax.

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